Auberle does some amazing things! Check them out!

We love Auberle and here's why...
The McKeesport Hospital Foundation would like to recognize Auberle as our first Community Spotlight! Auberle is located at 1101 Hartman Street right here in McKeesport, PA! Auberle has been around for over 50 years and has the mission to help trouble children and families heal themselves! Auberle offers different programs like the 412 Youth Zone, the Employment Institute, The Stop Now and Plan (SNAP) program, Residential and Shelter programs, Foster care, along with many Behavioral Health Services! Auberle has hosted an amazing fundraiser for the past 13 years called Voices Carry and another one will take place this year in October ! Along with the amazing programs Auberle offers, Auberle has their own youth- ran catering company, construction company, and lawn-care/landscape company! If interested in receiving more information about Auberle, employment, volunteer oppurtunites, or events happening, please visit Thank you Auberle for all you do for the community!