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The Mon River Fleet is made up of the four community PartnerSHIPs and their affiliate specialty Lions Club and Women of Achievement interest group. 


The four PartnerSHIPs, based in Clairton, Duquesne, Braddock, and McKeesport, were originally established as state-endorsed State Health Improvement Plans and aligned together to create the collaborative Mon River Fleet. Each PartnerSHIP is made up of community-based service providers, business representatives, residents and neighbors, volunteers, and anyone else who wants to work cooperatively toward improving the health status and removing barriers to good health in these often-underserved Mon Valley communities. MHF provides the four PartnerSHIPs each with one grant per year to cover their various community health activities.

Mon River Fleet Lions Club works in conjunction with the PartnerSHIPs and the Women of Achievement to address issues regarding the health and wellbeing of the Mon Valley Region. Every single dollar raised by the Mon River Fleet Lions Club goes back into the community to support these causes. Additionally, the Mon River Fleet Lions Club was chartered in 2011 to further support those same four communities. Lions Clubs everywhere focus on diabetes, vision, hunger, pediatric cancer and the environment. TheMon River Fleet Lions ClubThe serve as the fiscal agent for the four PartnerSHIPs. 

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